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Editorial Principles

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For the articles to be sent to Suleyman Demirel University, The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, the authors are required to adhere to the following principles and rules. The articles which are not prepared in accordance with the principles and rules stated above may not be taken in assessment process, or may be excluded from assessment at any state of this process.


Editorial Principles

1.       Suleyman Demirel University, The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is an international peer reviewed journal and published four times in a year in January, April, July, and October.

2.       Scientific and original articles which have directly or indirectly relation with economics, business administration, public administration, public finance, econometrics, labor economics, law and politics can be sent to the Journal.

3.       The articles sent to the Journal should not be published in any other source or should not be offered to be published.

4.       Articles should be written in Turkish or English.

5.       Papers should be prepared in accordance with our rules of spelling, and should be sent via e-mail. Authors should fill the communication form which can be obtained from our web site and send it via e-mail and fax. The communication form must be signed by all the authors.

6.       To take the papers into the assessment process, 50 USD price should be paid to Turkiye Ziraat Bankası (IBAN: TR420001000132448078966239) account in the name of "İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi" and the receipt should be sent via e-mail.

7.       Fees of the articles which are not qualified for publication are not refundable.

8.       Having too many spelling errors and failure to comply with the requirement of a scientific article will be sufficient for reversal.

9.       Articles submitted for publication initially evaluated by our Editorial Commission. Then they are sent to at least two referees to be examined in terms of content and form. Referees’ identities are not released to the authors and the authors are also not informed who the referees for their papers are.

10.   In accordance with the evaluation reports from the referees, a decision will be made to publish the article, a correction from the author, or rejection. In case of correction requested from the author, and correction should be done and sent at the latest within 3 months to the Journal.

11.   Rejected articles are not re-sent to the author(s).

12.   Opinions in the articles published in the Journal are not the opinions of the Journal. All responsibility belongs to the author.

13.   All rights of the articles published in the Journal are reserved and cannot be copied without the name of the Journal.

14.   Copyright fee is not paid in cash to the author of the article published in the Journal. The copyright fee is sent to the Journal.

15.   The articles which are not meet the publication principles will not be taken into the peer review process.

CURRENT ISSUE (2015 / 1)